Always love a plan, enjoyed how you have shared the challenges you face, along with how you came to a plan. All the best with your move xx

I’m currently loving writing my morning pages which helps me to see my world as it is, outing my thoughts, feelings and fears to be able to then be able to plan for what I need

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there is such power in daily journalling... it's quite amazing, really, what can come up/out of it... Ax

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Loved this Annie, thank you. I agree, a plan always makes me feel better too. Seriously tempted by your course.

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Thank you Vicky. I’m excited that you’re tempted by the course… what are you thinking? Let me know if you have any qus xx

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Thanks Annie, I will.

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I enjoyed reading this Annie, a lot resonates with me right now. I find I need ‘A Plan’ as soon as everything gets overwhelming. I woke my husband in the middle of the night last week as I needed to just go over ‘The Plan’ (again!) before I could relax and get back to sleep 🙈 Like you I’m currently juggling work with a little one who can’t attend school and it’s tough! I hope you’re feeling more positive today, always helped by the sunshine! X

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I think as women, we are often the planners. And sometimes, it’s really important to say the plan out loud to the person with whom we are supposed to be creating the plan. My husband mostly just nods and lets me get on with it… But it feels important to have had the conversation with him. I hope you’re ok xx

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I understand this so much, and only recently realized how rigid I am in my plans, and how I can tend to define a 'good day' by 'almost everything went exactly how I wanted it to go.' And I do the same in business and my income. I didn't realize how reliant I was on continual financial growth, on everything going 'my way' until huge storms in Guatemala shut down the access road to my holiday rental house, we lost customers, and I started to spiral. Until I did exactly this, sat down, really put pen to paper and realized how many different options there are to provide for my family, things I can go without, burdens I can share with my partner, a way to make it forward in this 'temporada de las vacas flacas' (skinny cow season, where money isn't exactly flowing but there's certainly enough to crack on.) Thank you for this post!

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I really hear you in this Annie. I need to focus on earning, because so much has been going wrong, culminating in my newly repaired car dying on me again. Eldest daughter is hopefully going to university, but the maintenance loan she has been awarded doesn’t even cover her first year accommodation. Life out there is tough right now.

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I have been riding a similar storm at the moment Annie. Thank you for writing this and in some ways letting me know that I’m not the only one xx

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I’m making a plan today too! There is some potential space coming with my son doing longer nursery hours from September. So I’m going to nestle into all the ideas I’d like to bring into my reality across the rest of this year!

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Thanks for this; because I need A Plan too:

* I'm well today: feeling creative and energized above all other things that peek through from time to time. I keep actively identifying the unwelcome thoughts and reframing them. It gets easier with my continued practice.

* My greatest challenge involves balancing my online entrepreneurship (and life in general) with the care for my two neurotypical toddlers on the ASD spectrum... One is old enough to attend his special needs preschool through the week, and the other stays home with while I work until her placement in the same preschool comes up from its Waiting List.

* It would help if I set some boundaries and created a routine around my obligations as best as I could... and then stick to it. I have the support of my husband in place already thankfully.

* The priority is always the kids. Always. No matter what. But it's a lot for me to manage. I know that I need more help from my very willing Village (and the healthcare system)... Knowing that, I really should get more comfortable with asking for what I need. I can start there.

* Thank G-d for the strength of my creative force! It hasn't dwindled or burned out during these tough times. I'm grateful for that, and I leverage it to keep my work with clients paying off for me.

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Yes to a plan! A plan always makes me feel more hopeful, more confident, and think more clearly. There is so much out of your control when buying and selling homes, it's such a stressful thing to do. Making a plan with your husband sounds like the best way to go about things because not only do you now know what you're doing, your figured it out together as a partnership x

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