Oh, this is so interesting. I've printed the list to go over later but one that jumps out for me immediately is 'ease'

If something isn't easeful, then I know I'll instinctively resist it.

I'm looking forward to musing more on this later.

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This is such a good word and in fact, I was listening to a podcast this morning where she said it's her favourite 'intention'. It's such a lovely thing to aim for x

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How timely! I'm running a session for PlusX Innovation tomorrow on 'building a business aligned with your values' and I plan on turning some of the content into an SS article. Watch this space! I find it all fascinating, there is so much to it when you start looking into the various theories and methods. I think you're right though, it has to be aligned with both your personal *and* business values otherwise, it's never going to be sustainable. I realised only recently that one of the biggest blockers I have experienced lately is because one of the businesses I run is no longer aligned with my highest priority value and so some big changes are coming! I already feel lighter!

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Oh wow, that feels like a really big realisation you’ve had. Look forward to hearing what your plans are… x

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Thanks Annie, I'm inspired by your work :) xx

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I do this at the start of every year for my businesses and personally. Ensuring my goals are aligning to them and all my marketing messaging for the business side. 👏🏼

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Do your personal values match up to your business values, is there ever crossover? X

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Yes much cross over, usually only 1 or 2 different. But values can have different meanings, so this year one value is strength. Strength in body, mind but also in my business - to be stable.

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I love that x

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What a brilliant reminder! Im going to grab my note book and see if my values come thru easily and clearly. Ive got a feeling that im not as clear as i think i am. Thanks so much for this prompt!

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I’d love to know what comes up, if you fancy sharing x

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I love doing this exercise and you’ve explained it so well. I regularly repeat it for my personal life and have gone through it for the brand I work on, it’s a great way to refocus. I’m currently writing a piece for my Substack on how I find myself when feeling lost and this is a big part of it. I hope you don’t mind me linking to this article to share how well you explain it?

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I'm pleased you liked it and yes, of course, a link is very welcome, thank you x

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