I love reading other people’s daily routines!! I love seeing when someone does something completely different to me and you get an insight into other types of brains!! My routine at the moment is dragging myself from bed but I’m doing a lot more writing in the evening after dinner. I seem to get a second wind of sorts. Also good luck with the running!! I’ve found a lot of peace having finally developed a running routine — though i have to confess it isnt much of a routine. It’s a couple of times a week — I am one of those people who exercises at different times of the day and different activities to keep me interested. Sameness doesnt seem to work at this point in my life

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I’m so interested in you writing after dinner… is this when your energy is higher? Also, love that perspective of needing to exercise at different times for the variety of it x

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I don’t know… It’s been since I deleted a few of my social media apps, I think I actually get bored now and so I’m filling the gaps with writing!! But yeah between 9-11pm sometimes I’m doing the writing I didn’t find time for earlier in the day

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That sounds like a very positive shift x

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Apr 29Liked by Annie Ridout

I love this commitment of doing the same routine every day and it actually seems easier as it'll form good habits. All those little actions adding up! Will definitely be taking this on board to add into my rather stagnant daily routine x

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maybe that's it... that I find it easier to form a habit if I do it every day, whereas every now and again means I'll drift away from it more easily...

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Yes when I say I'm going to run twice a week life can obviously get in the way and push it back each day therefore I end up not getting both runs in so I like the idea of making it more regular and shorter, adding it as a habit like I would a shower and getting dressed

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I’ve had the same routine for the past year. Before that it was similar but not as strict. It became strict when my marriage of 33 yrs fell apart and it became my lifeline.

I wake up around 7, earlier in the summer, go downstairs and make a mug of tea then go back to bed and write my journal for up to an hour. Get dressed and go into my yoga and meditation room and sit on my sofa there and do a bit of study (whatever I’m working on with my coach usually). Then I meditate for 15/20 minutes and then do an hour of yoga. This takes me to around 10am and I usually start my day writing or doing some computer work either on my website or other business.

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Your morning routine sounds so grounding. I love that you journal for an hour - also the yoga and meditation. So good. Ax

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It really has saved me I think the writing part helped me make sense of things when there was no sense. It stopped my head from exploding 🤯

The meditation quiets my mind and I really need that. And the yoga does that too plus keeps me fit.

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I also like a routine. I love 5am writers club and then getting outside with my horses or running.

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Ooh how lovely!

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I too enjoy hearing about others daily routines! It’s so fascinating how different or similar they can be to my own!

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This was full of good insights thank you for sharing. I need to get more consistent with running and yoga , it always does me good but I some time fall out of my routine and struggle to get back. So this read motivated me to start again and stick to it. I love writing morning pages as well , I found they help clear the head and start the day more inspired , plus it's great to get into the flow of writing again 😊 what I wish I could bring it more consistently into my routine is time to paint more often, with a toddler it got a bit difficult but I definitely want to try more. One routine that always stuck is reading every day, it's one of the moment I look forward to everyday 🥰

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Could you start by painting 'with' your toddler? I used to think: I wish I could just sit and make a visionboard but I can't, because my kids are all around me. And then I started inviting them to join me... cutting out magazine pictures and creating a vision for the future. Ax

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That sounds lovely mine is just 17 months so her attention span is quite low. But I can try starting by making 10 to 15min sketches. And see if I can build a habit from there

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May 6Liked by Annie Ridout

I really enjoyed reading this! My morning routine is something I do consistently for about six weeks, and then I have a break and change it up (often due to life overwhelming me) and then I get back into it. On a work day I: get up and make a black coffee, go for a short walk and then come home and do an hour of writing before getting ready for work! I work best in the morning, and it took me a bit ti work out where I was more productive. :)

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Coffee, walk and writing first thing sounds like such a good start to the day x

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I wake at 06:45, prepare breakfast for my son and send him to school bus. I have breakfast and start working, I mean reading and writing, and struggling to gather my thoughts and keep my attention alive. I try to follow Seinfeld's writing rules, sit and do nothing but write something. As a luckier writer, I can manage my daytime, with no 9-5 work obligations.

I liked your running in the morning routine, and its effects on being more alive and energetic, both physically and mentally. I can't run but I love walking, I can move my walking time to mornings rather than afternoon, after all work is finished. I can use it to awaken my mind and energy in the beginning of the day.

I also liked the emphasis on repeats. It's game-changing.

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I loved reading this Annie. My morning routine has changed somewhat since having my children as I seem to be needed intensely for those first waking hours. I used to fit in a walk in the woods, some yoga/meditation etc and journaling! (Not all of them everyday). That has all fallen by the wayside. Now they have started to go to nursery three mornings a week, I feel inspired to shift my morning routine back until after drop off (thank you for this nudge!) I think I feel the same way about walking as you do about running. And thank you also for mentioning that afternoon slump, I recognised it clearly when I was working in the office but I realise now that I am always with my kids at that time of day and we can all experience in some way, especially if we are at home…I will have a think about some small ways to get through it a little more easefully xx

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Aww loved reading your routine! And glad you’re not eating the front first either! I’m in the “ice cream first” camp myself! Dopamine first to keep me going 💪🏻 (and literally, when the boys were little we’re also allowed dessert first too! It was fruit and kept their appetite going until proper dinner was on the table)

I desperately want to be a morning person… but here I am, replying on your post at 02:55 am, in bed, after another late night, working 😶‍🌫️

Since HE last year, I’ve found it really hard to find a routine to stick to. The only way to stick to a routine is if it’s out of my control nearly. School runs, teaching weekly classes, etc.

I’ve been even thinking restarting teaching, but on here, to keep myself accountable for my own practice 🫠 (yoga, meditation, breath work).

But generally, I can only exercise PM; after 18:00, otherwise I’m dead for the rest of the day. But after 18:00, I’m energised and ready to go 💪🏻

Mornings are best served in silence: don’t talk to me with audio, text me please. This includes my husband 🫠 who also works from home. I’m reading, learning, researching in the mornings. With a couple of cups of coffee. Writing happens after 12pm. 3-4pm I’m dead, so we nap. Then usually a meeting, and work until I drop. In between HE - directing littlest, sometimes he has tuition, sometimes he has activities out of the house, sometimes we just spend a few hours working on sth together.

But no proper routine 😫 …help.

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It sounds like you have nighttime energy. Have you read the book ‘Why we sleep’ by Matthew Walker? He says that we are wither morning larks or night owls and that we can’t really change this (though we can make small tweaks). I wonder if there is a way to embrace your night-owl energy? It sounds to me like there is a routine there (writing/exercise/afternoon nap) but it comes more naturally later in the day so perhaps a routine for you would honour this? Xx

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