Appreciate this thought provoking article.

I wanted to share something I have been trying since the new year.

I have enjoyed using IG for the last 5 years or so. It has helped me reconnect with old friends, supporting them through life changing events; it has helped me discover new and like minded people. And it’s given me a creative outlet to share my photography, an enjoyable hobby.

However I had become sick of the time I was wasting scrolling. I was getting more and more promoted posts for people I wasn’t interested in, sapping my time and hiding the people I wasn’t interested genuinely interested in (the people I actually follow!). And, it was hard to be a positive role model to my teenage kids, trying to encourage them to spend less time on their phones when I was on mine all the time.

So I now delete the app during the week. I redownload it on Saturday morning. I delete it again on Sunday. I am missing very little and gaining hours back each week. Last weekend was busy, I didn’t download it at all, and didn’t miss it.

Stepping away from the platform doesn’t need to be an all-or-nothing thing, gradual weaning off is working for me.

The points you make around abandoning of moderation and what Meta stands for makes a compelling case for staying off entirely. Their recent cancellation of all DE&I programmes internally is deeply troubling to me.

Have to say though… I still like it more than TikTok which I’m struggling to navigate in a bid to understand my teenagers’ world…

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I love that you delete it in the week rather than at the weekend. That makes so much sense, as I find weekends are usually out of the house and busier so I can see how then I might forget to go on it at the weekends as well. Thank you, inspired x

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Yess! Annie!! That’s what I thought when you deleted your insta posts (clever, bold move) and then reading this article. I’ve always been the kid quietly observing the busy playground when it comes to social media. I just stated to get the hang of twitter when ‘The Dark Lord’ ruined it. I persevered with the deletion of X and it felt liberating to remove a part of the ‘Dark Lord’ from my world. (Mwahahaha!) I too have learned to love insta (in large part thanks to The Creative Way) and don’t want to ditch it. I’ll ponder this from the fringes of the playground…. Meantime, I hope for a female developed and led social media ‘The Creative Way’ app 🩷

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You + me + Insta 🎨 = OUR WAY x

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This is a great article Annie.

I'm not a writer or a creator as such, but I have found that instagram has actually been a place for me to be more creative.

I, too, have "met" (and sometimes actually met!) wonderful people on there, and I think it's a fantastic way for parents - mostly mums - of young kids who work (paid and unpaid) at home, to connect and grow and work.

However, it's also a HUGE distraction for me and I one of my aims this year is to really start creating work in a deeper, more fulfilling way. Starting from building long form, "juicy" resources for my coaching clients and other people who might benefit, and then using instagram from that.

The difficulty I find with instagram is that it feels like you can't be away from it for too long and feels addicitve. FOMO I guess ( as well as algorithm game-playing which I'm not actually too concerned with).

The meta changes and the shift in power in the world is also affecting how I view these apps and how we all work. I'm craving more IRL interaction, while also accepting that social media really does help us find like-minded people much more easily and therefore enables more real-life meet ups too.

I also feel the need to consume more slowly - with everything in life. Reading, listening, even eating - actual consuming, rather than the constant rushing around, and grabbing bits of dopamine-triggering input here and there.

I'd love to make a change on how I use it. I'm considering following your lead and starting again... (because you ARE an influencer Annie!).

Definitely something to consider in the coming weeks. Might take a break and see how it feels....deleting it forever feels exciting yet a bit sad too.

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I love the sound of your resources. I think there is a lot of space on the internet for worksheets/exercises that help people to think creatively. I hear you on IRL (but also on Instagram making IRL easier, as it connects us) x

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Arghhhh…I feel compelled to say bravo! Bold move that we should all take (at least most of the people I follow) if we stuck to the « morals » I feel they/we share. But it is hard. I am mainly a consumer and it opens my head to so many different perspectives every day, and infos, ideas…All of which, like an addict I feel I would terribly miss and it would make my life smaller (also, because in real life there is no much excitement or interaction with other adults)…so I am stuck and hypocritical…but slowly getting ready to get out I hope…

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I find Instagram very inspiring, too. I have a carefully curated bunch of people I follow for their art/education. Maybe the backlash - however it happens - will get these tech giants re-thinking x

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We’ll see but doubt it to be honest…

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