I applied again for a blue tick after reading this and got one immediately! I've tried before with no success! So thanks for the prompt. I used to have one on twitter but Elon took it away! Everything is temporary 😉

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Congratulations on your blue tick!

Appreciate your perspective as it makes me feel that I should be more grateful for mine. Have had it for many years and it kind of lost significance to me. If it wasn’t for Instagram I wouldn’t have had my first business at all, however - as you refer to it (despite it being seemingly against your will) as part of your funnel, I wonder if you’ve measured the conversion or impact in some other way? Personally I lost faith in it especially this last year when I (with a verified account of 200k) had hardly no reach anymore (relatively speaking). Of course we’re still talking tens of thousands which one shouldn’t take lightly but the daily hard work I put in for years felt like it got thrown out a window by an algorithm. And as such I kind of stopped to give it importance in terms of how it impacts my feeling of value. I’d much rather have 200k email subscribers than social media followers, so maybe that’s my ultimate goal!

Have a wonderful day and I love the aesthetic of your new approach, whatever makes us feel better and more productive is what one should focus on 🙏🏼 Elin X

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