Thank you for this. Flow is everything and I've been really embracing that practice of letting flow lead during my time living in France for three months (I'm in my last month here)

Congratulations on all of your success and not succumbing to the "shoulds" about how to be successful but rather (it sounds like) listening to your own inner knowing.

What is the time and frequency of The Creative Way course?

:) Jenn

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Hi Jen, it’s entirely self-paced, you work in your own time, but it’s structured around four weeks as for some people that works well in terms of accountability. Also, I am very available for support during those four weeks. No live elements, though. You get access to one module a week and can spend as little time or as long as you’d like working through it. Prob min. one hour a week to read, learn and start to implement. When you get to the module on creating your online course, module three, there’s a lot more information there as that’s a longer term project. But you can keep coming back to the online course materials for a year, so there is no rush. X

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Really helpful, thank you. Is it possible to sign up to the course up until Monday or do the doors close before then?

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I'll close sales Sunday night (or, latest, before the first email goes out Monday morning at 9am). Ax

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Thank you! Just signed up :)

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This is so practical and inspiring. Thank you for sharing. This really moved me: "I’m grateful to this platform for showing me that there can be another way; where women are actually paid for their words rather than doing yet more unpaid work. It feels rather empowering." I think this made me feel particularly emotional because it's a dream for many women as we are creators by nature, whether it's a question of our wombs producing offsprings or a matter of creative babies. So lovely that you're blessed with both!

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Thanks for sharing this, Annie! I love what you said here, "I’m in my flow, and it was as simple as deciding that I would only write what I want to write, rather than writing what I thought others might want.

This means that I’m writing about topics that I really care about, in that moment. I’m not writing clickbait pieces that might get me a bunch of new subscribers who then quickly disappear. I’m writing stories and bringing poetry into it.

It’s the dreamiest way to earn a living, as a writer, and I’m grateful to this platform for showing me that there can be another way; where women are actually paid for their words rather than doing yet more unpaid work. It feels rather empowering."

I feel this shift happening to me now and it's very freeing. Congrats on all your successes!

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