OMG 😱 look here! https://www.google.com/search?q=women+greek+pholosophers&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari

So there WERE Greek women philosophers, it's just WE ARE NOT TAUGHT about them at school!!

Patriarchy makes my blood boil

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Simone de Beauvoir is the only female philosopher I can name. She's earned her place among those male-dominated lists. But if we're considering folks who write about life's journey, the list busts wide open. It seems women have been more comfortably termed Essayists or Memoirists, even Spiritualists than philosophers. Here-here to a new generation of women philosophers!

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Apr 21Liked by Annie Ridout

Love this. Beautiful! Now I’m curious to know if there are any historical female philosophers 🤔

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I love this so much and your husband's notes is so adorable!!! Im going to do this for my partner on his next birthday and celebrate all the things he enhances in life. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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I love this!! I relate a lot! I’m Greek too, and philosophy is a “daily” if you’re educated, and it starts at school 🩷

I also hated the fact that there were no women philosophers in the books. We were taught that women were at home and the only paid working women were the prostitutes who, apparently, were regarded highly.

They still wouldn’t be able to vote or anything, though!

I will need to research if this is factual, but this was what we were brought up with, and your post reminded me of it.

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