There’s something happening.
A (digital) happening.
It’s about creatives taking back the power.
Rather than being commissioned, we create freely, distribute our creative work - images, words, video, sculpture, music, food - ourselves and grow a community of people who are hungry for more of it.
Some of our creations go out into the world for free, while other parts are monetised.
How do we monetise within the creatorverse?
On Substack. Charging a small monthly subscription for access to our work.
A membership hosted on your own website.
Patron, or similar, where people can ‘buy you a coffee’.
Online courses, where you go deeper.
Self-publish an e-book.
One-to-one coaching, consultancy and teaching.
This way of working rewards all creators who produce work that the people like.
It’s not about a suit in power agreeing to commission the work.
It’s about doing the work, getting it out into the world and being paid directly by the viewer/reader/listener/participant.
It means anyone could potentially join the creatorverse.
We remove the discrimination and prejudice that comes from the people ‘at the top’ only taking on certain types of creators.
The playing field becomes much more even.
All you need is:
Access to a smart phone or laptop.
And you get started: creating. You share it. People start engaging. Your community grows. You find your way to earn a living from this work (see options above).
It’s about you. And your creations. No more chasing the corporates for work opportunities.
I’m seeing it happening.
I’m seeing women on Instagram making art about being autistic, sharing longer-form writing on Substack and inviting their community to pay to access their art and their thoughts.
(I am one of the people who pays.)
I’m seeing interior designers sharing beautiful images on Instagram, writing lifestyle articles on Substack that they charge people to read and directing them to online courses and one-to-one client work.
I’m seeing chefs photographing the delicious meals they make and sharing recipes and food thoughts on Substack (£) and offering nutrition online courses (££) and to cook for private dining experiences (£££).
I’m seeing poets sharing their poetry on Instagram and interviewing other poets for their Substack - behind a paywall - and teaching poetry through online courses.
I’m seeing a whole lot of creating and whole lot of taking back the power and I FUCKING LOVE IT.
I’m doing it myself, too.
And calling it The Creative Way (to earn a living online).
I’m sharing my poetry and passages on Instagram, and some of my community then join me on Substack and pay a small monthly/yearly fee for essays and articles like this one.
And then, if they want to learn from me - about the creatorverse - they can join my course The Creative Way.
And I know people want to be part of this, because I opened the doors to this course and look what happened overnight:
Can you tell that I’m a bit excited about all of this?
It’s because I’m all about taking back the power.
As a woman, creative, mother, writer, entrepreneur.
And now, I can. I am. And I’m going to bring everyone who’d like to come to the creatorverse with me.
If you’d like to learn The Creative Way to earn a living online, you can join my course. There’s an early-bird sale on and it’s only £99.
To learn an entirely new business model and way of working, I think that’s a pretty good price.
I’ll teach you about:
Using Instagram in a really creative way (to share your ‘art’, whatever that might be).
Directing people to Substack, where you can earn a recurring monthly income.
Onto creating online courses and selling spaces.
Then getting one-to-one client/coaching/consultancy/teaching work.
If you’re interested, you can read more and sign up here.
Or email me if you have any questions.
Creatives. Creators. Let’s do this.
Now, I’m off to the beach for two days of sunshine and swimming in the sea.
Annie x
Just bought :) I really like the sound of it! Looking forward. Thank you Annie!